It's time for Rss Runner to retire. The app is now removed from the App Store. Thank you for your amazing loyalty those 7 years through.
What users say about Rss Runner on the App Store...
Excellent rss reader for something that’s free!
— Dexxan, Canada
Rss Runner features in 5 points
#1 / Very simple and highly useable interface
- Directly see your feeds at application launch
- Intuitive feed browsing, like the iPhone Mail application
- Clear feed item summaries
- Embedded web browser to view feed item web pages without having to open Safari
- Configure your own settings: font size, automatic feed refresh on startup…
- No advertising on the application if you do not want
- No need to create any account: install it and enjoy !
#2 / Basic feed management
- Support of 9 feed formats: Atom 0.3, 1.0, RSS 0.9, 0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 1.0, 2.0 !
- Add feeds directly or using the embedded web search engine
- Add feeds by importing an OPML file exported from your favorite reader, or by importing feeds from your Google Reader account
- Edit, delete or mark your feeds as read
#3 / Offline feed management
- On-device feeds storage: read them everywhere, even offline !
- Easily track progress of feed updates and continue to read them
#4 / Advanced feed management
- Sort your feeds by title, unread count or custom position
- Mark your favorite feed items to keep them
- Search feed items by keyword
- Share your favorite feed items : emails, FaceBook, LinkedIn and Twitter
#5 / Optimized for iOS 6 and iPhone 5
- Multitasking fast-app switching: leave the application and back later, picking up right where you left off (no need to wait for the application to reload)
- Multitasking background execution and local notifications: start downloading all feeds and then leave the application, it will alarm you as soon as download is completed
- High-definition images: application images designed to improve your experience on iPhone 4″ Retina display screen
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